Ways to Play

Because life is busy and when we want to the best for our children but also have a million other things to do sometimes play gets forgotten.

Not any more! Each Week a new play timetable and resource list will be released to ensure that the play time is taken care of, so you can spend less time stressing about coming up with something to do and more time doing the thing!

What’s in it for you

  • No more stress or overwhelm in deciding what to do every day

  • The knowledge that your children are participating in activities planned and written by a primary school teacher so there will most definatly be a learning aspect involved

  • Recipes and easy to follow instructions

  • Resources required are things you already have in your home

  • Fun activities that match important days during the month

What’s inside

Weekly Timetables

Every Saturday you will receive an email with the resources list and activities for the following week. This is to allow you the weekend to get organised and purchase anything you may not have at home.

Monthly Themed Ebooks

Free access to the e book of the month- some of these activities will also be included in the weekly timetable. Holding a membership will give you a closer look into the ‘how to’ of some more detailed activities

Extra story book activities

Taking the book of the month and spreading more book fun and enjoyment through play and craft activities that match the book.

Limited Enrollment

Limited Enrollment

Ways to Play
Every month

✺ Frequently asked questions ✺

  • ALl the activities will be outlined with a list of resources that are required. If there are items to print they will be supplied within the membership and you will need to download and print yourself.

  • No- some of the activities outlined in the weekly timetable may be taken from the months activity list as seen inside 365 Ways to Play, however there will be many more activities included

  • Remember at Chronicles of Play we like to focus on the skills and abilities of our children over their age. This membership and the activities inside will allow children who can sit and older to engage. There may be times that you need to adapt the activity for you child which is what the Facebook community will be perfect for.